do you rinse after mouthwash

Do you rinse after mouthwash?

Brushing and flossing your teeth have already been part of the regular daily routine of people who value and care for their healthy smile. But dentists also recommend adding mouthwash to your daily ritual. Here are some of the common questions you need to know the answer to about mouth rinsing, like, do you rinse after mouthwash?

I brush and floss every day, is it still important to use mouthwash?

Although any mouthwash can never be more important than brushing and flossing, it is also helpful in fighting off bacteria and freshening your breath. If you have extra time to clean your mouth with either over-the-counter or medicated mouth rinses, do so and it will definitely complement the effect of your oral care.

What are the different kinds of mouthwash?

Oral deodorizer. Most mouthwash brands advertise their products as a means to freshen your breath.

Fluoride rinse. Like most kinds of toothpaste, these ensure that cavities can be prevented.

Antimicrobial mouthwash. This type has ingredients that fight off bacteria or germs that cause inflammation or infection of the gums and teeth.

Whitening rinse. When added to your daily routine, this type of mouthwash intensifies and strengthens the effect your teeth whitening procedure.

do you rinse after mouthwashDo you rinse after mouthwash?

Actually, there is nothing wrong if you do or don’t. Just like in brushing your teeth, dentists recommend not rinsing after using a mouthwash. In theory, the active ingredients can stay and ‘do its magic’ in your mouth if you don’t rinse it. But if you feel a sting or are not comfortable with tasting the mouthwash for too long, then gargling with water after the rinse is acceptable too.

How should I use a mouthwash?

Swish your chosen mouthwash for 30 to 60 seconds either before or after you brush and floss. You can also use it after eating or drinking something sweet to fight off the smell and bacteria.

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